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Marketing tools & sequences: frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Marketing tools & sequences: frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Marketing Tools & Sequences: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Success at Copper avatar
Written by Success at Copper
Updated over a week ago

Important: New customers as of August 2024 do not have access to this feature.❗

About Marketing Tools

Our Marketing Tools are designed automate communication, segmentation, and tracking for your contacts to manage your interested buyers, current sales and existing relationships.

Key Features

✔️ Sequences
Send email campaigns to your contacts to onboard new users, nurture existing leads and automate your email marketing with an easy-to-use email marketing tool. Send personal-looking emails for the highest deliverability, or use custom HTML for richer looks.

✔️ Track website engagement
See which of your contacts are visiting your site, where they come from, and which pages interest them the most. All of this is synced to your activity feed.

✔️ Automatic Lead Capture
Capture contact details from form fills and have them automatically added to your instance.

✔️ Prioritize your most engaged contacts with Web Engagement Scoring
See a customizable engagement (lead) score for each contact based on their email engagement and web visits allows you to prioritize your most engaged relationships.

✔️ Track email, web tracking, and engagement (lead) score data
Web engagement, email engagement like opens, clicks, replies, and engagement score are all surfaced on your Contacts.

Setting Up a sequence for the first time

Sequences is a feature that lives within the Marketing Tools section. A sequence allows you to create automatic email campaigns for customers and hot leads. Before you set up your first sequence:

  1. Connect your company's domain by clicking on the Marketing Tools icon in the purple sidebar of the Copper app. The first time you do this, it will prompt you to choose the domain you wish to use.

  2. Authenticate your domain and validate emails (optional, but highly recommended). The steps for this are available under Marketing Tools > Account > Verified domains.

Creating Your First Sequence

To create your first sequence, click on the Marketing Tools icon in the left sidebar and click Create new sequence button. There will be three steps to setting up your sequence:

  1. Create a new sequence and define who receives it (e.g. by tags, by Contact Type, by Lead Status, etc)

  2. Create and personalize the emails

  3. Activate the sequence

Important: A Contact needs to be part of the selected segment (tag, contact type, or lead status) at the time an email is scheduled to be sent. If a contact stops matching the selected segment during the sequence, the campaign will stop for them

Other settings you can configure in your email sequences:

  • Sending schedule - block off hours and days that you don't want emails sent, such as weekends and evenings.

  • Reply tracking - see the reply rate of your sequence, and which contacts have replied.

  • Stop campaigns based on triggers

  • Dynamic sending - set the sender name and email address based on the owner of the contact.

Engagement (Lead) Scoring

Engagement scoring helps you identify your most engaged contacts by adding a score to each Contact based on their web visits and email engagement.

How you score each of these activities is entirely up to you. By default, we give the most value to page visits and the least to email opens: The default scoring is: 10 points to a page view, 3 points to an email click, and 1 point for an email open.

There are lots of scoring models out there, but if you need some guidance on what type of engagement constitutes a stronger engagement signal feel free to reach out to our support team through the in-app chat. In general, we’d suggest attributing the highest score to Page visits, then email clicks, then email opens.

You can then choose whether those points expire over time – after all, there is a lot of evidence that points to interest decaying over time.

To use lead scoring:

  1. Review if the score is suitable for your needs on the “Lead scoring” menu under the Email Sequences area.

  2. See lead score update on the Contact record (note that there is a 30min delay)

Web Content Engagement Tracking

Once enabled on your website we show when any contacts are visiting your website, where they come from, and which pages they've been on and how much time they have spent on each page. We do this for all contacts that you have sent an email sequence to.

Getting started checklist:

  1. Add the tracking code on your site which can be found under the “Web” menu in the Email Sequences area. See here for installation instructions.

  2. See website visits in the activity feed of the contact (note that there is a 30min delay)

Capturing Form Fills

Copper will identify leads automatically from the web forms below once you've installed the web tracking code on your website: This will automatically sync Email, First name, and Last name fields to your instance. If you require more than this we recommend using one of our alternative integrations for web forms.

Supported forms where leads are identified automatically

  • Mailchimp forms

  • Gravity Forms

  • Contact form 7

  • Hubspot HTML forms

  • Squarespace forms (coming soon)

  • WPForms (coming soon)

  • Custom web forms (see here for instructions)

If you are using Wix, Elementor Forms, or Contact Form 7, you can also connect your form using the App Connector. Click here to learn more about connecting to Wix, and click here to learn more about connecting to Elementor Forms and Contact Form 7.


Is there a limit on how many emails can be sent through email sequencing?

Yes; 1000 emails per user per month. The limit is shared across your instance and users so if you have 12 users, your organization can send up to 12,000 emails per month using email sequences.

What personalization tags can I use in email sequence campaigns?

Email sequences personalization support Contact, Lead, and Organization fields.

Opportunity fields are not supported as a single contact can have multiple open deals and we would be unable to identify which opportunity information to use.

Can I remove the unsubscribe link in my emails?

No. All email campaigns sent need to include an unsubscribe link.

This is required by law and is actually a positive signal for email providers like Gmail/Exchange as recipients have a way to opt-out.

It’s also beneficial if users click on the unsubscribe link rather than mark the emails as spam as then their sender reputation won’t get damaged.


In my sequence, the contact received the first email but not the second one.

  1. Check whether you have applied any sequence stopping conditions (based on opens, clicks, replies) by logging in to your account and opening the sequence settings. If you have, check whether the contact has done any of the actions that might have stopped the campaign

  2. Check whether this setting is activated on “All contacts” or “Only contacts...”. If it's on "Only contacts..." it might mean that you added a new email to the sequence but with this setting, contacts who have already completed the sequence will not receive the email. If this is the case then it’s not possible to undo the action.

I've added a tag but it's not appearing under the campaign segment selector.

  1. Try refreshing the page.

  2. If it still doesn’t appear, it might take around 10 minutes to show (usually it shows immediately though)

  3. Check whether it’s indeed a contact tag that you are using or is it an opportunity/company tag. We currently only support a contact tag.

The unsubscribe link is not rendering in my test email.
Unsubscribe links do not render in the test emails as it’s not possible to unsubscribe from a test email. Once the email goes out, the field will render automatically and it’s not actually possible to send an email without this link.

My test emails are landing in spam.
Here are some likely reasons for this:

  • Test emails do not have a signature, which is a negative signal for spam filters which then place the email in the spam folder. The best thing to do here is to mark the test email as “not spam” in your email provider so that the next test emails land in your inbox.

  • Test emails may end up in the spam folder when the sender and recipient domains are the same because this looks suspicious to spam filters. We recommend testing with domains that are different from the sender domain.

The scheduled a send time in the queue has passed but emails haven’t gone out.

  • Your account might have hit the monthly sending limits. Please check Email sequences > Account > Usage for limits. Contact support for options if limits have been exceeded

  • Please note that it can take up to 20 minutes for the email to go out after the scheduled to send time

I’ve added a contact in Copper to the target segment but they have not been added to the queue or the email has not sent.

  • Please note that it can take up to 20 minutes for the contact to be added to the queue

  • Check if the contact has a valid email address in Copper and ensure that they match the target segment (person tag, opportunity tag, contact type or lead status)

  • Check if the contact hasn’t unsubscribed from Email sequences > Contacts > search for the contact and open profile > check subscription status

I've sent a campaign and it's landing in spam for me/my customers.

  • You may have not yet authenticated your domain, which is a red flag to some email recipients. See here how to authenticate the domain.

  • Some emails getting picked up by spam filters in normal as the filters are getting increasingly tighter. Average deliverability across all email marketing platforms is around 80% (ie. 20% lost to junk filters or not delivered at all) and we are above average. There are also several things you can do on their end to improve this with email content and formatting. Read through best practices in this email deliverability guide.

  • In general, Copper Email Sequences works best when sending emails to an opt-in audience with whom your team has been actively communicating in the past 6 months.

A contact shows as bounced but I know for a fact that it's a valid email.
Please get in touch with our technical support team using the in-app chat. Please include the affected campaign name and the affected contact email.

I've installed the web tracking code but it does not show as "active."

  1. The web tracking button in the web app might be blocked by their Adblocker. They should make an exception in their adblocker.

  2. Go to your website > right-click > view page source > search for “outfunnel”. If you don’t see the outfunnel code search for “tag manager”. If neither is present, they have not installed the code or it’s hidden and not visible for some reason.

  3. It can take up to 10 minutes for the web tracking to show. If the issue persists, please get in touch with our support team using the in-app chat.

I've installed the web tracking code and filled in a form but I don't see any visitor information

  1. Does the contact appear in Outfunnel under the Web tracking menu? If so, the information just hasn’t been passed to Copper yet. Web tracking activity is synced to CRM with a 30-minute delay to ensure that the entire session is listed under a single activity.

  2. If it doesn’t appear in the Web tracking menu, it’s likely that the user website form is not supported. See here for a list of supported forms.

The Engagement (Lead) Score field is not appearing on my Contacts.

  1. Are you a new user that has just sent out a campaign? If so, the lead score field might have not yet been created as it takes 30 minutes from the first engagement to creating the field and updating it.

  2. If the field is not created in 30 minutes, please get in touch with our support team using the in-app chat.

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