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Low on development resources, or have little time and need to automate something? Zapier will allow you to automate almost anything without a developer and comes with a free trial. It can connect to almost any software.
What is Zapier? It is a tool that allows you to connect a variety of different web apps together and create automations between them. If a certain action takes place in one app, it triggers a resulting action in the same or another app. Maybe you want to create a lead from a Google Sheet or Wufoo Form. Or maybe you just want to automate something within Copper, like cloning an opportunity to a new pipeline after it's won. All of this and more can be achieved by creating a 'Zap' or automation with Zapier.
In this module, we'll tackle the following:
Have other tools you want to integrate? Check out our integration marketplace to see hundreds of options!
Understand the Zapier integration
Our Zapier integration can help you build automations with Google Contacts, Wufoo, Gravity Forms, Google Sheets, Slack, MailChimp, Intercom, Zillow Tech Connect, JotForm, Infusionsoft, Facebook Lead Ads, Typeform, Thankster, Emma, Smartsheet, Webmerge, SupportBee, and more. To access our pre-built Zapier integrations, or 'Zaps,' follow the steps below:
Zapier comes with a free trial. Sign up here: https://zapier.com/sign-up
Once you are logged in, click 'Apps.'
Search for 'Copper,' then click on the Copper app icon.
Scroll down in the resulting page to see all the apps you can connect to Copper using Zapier.
Connect Copper to Zapier
Below are the steps to connect your Copper account to Zapier:
Start a Zapier free trial.
Sign into your new Zapier account, and click the 'Connected Accounts link across the top.
Search for Copper in the search bar, and click on the app that comes up in your results.
You'll be prompted to enter your email address and API token (note: This is not a token generated from Settings > Preferences > API Keys. If you don't know where to find the token for this integration, please follow the instructions in the next step).
5. To generate your token, follow the steps below:
Sign into your Copper account, and click 'Settings' from the left-hand menu.
Under the 'Customize Copper' section, click 'Integrations.'
Click the blue 'Generate Token' button to the right of the Zapier listing.
Copy the token that's created:
6. Return to Zapier, and enter the email address you use to log into Copper in the 'E-mail' box and enter your token from Copper in the 'Token' box, then click the 'Yes, Continue' button.
You have now connected your Copper account to Zapier and are ready to start creating helpful Zaps!
Get started with Zapier
Ready to build your first Zap? Rather than hear us explain it, head straight to the source with Zapier's 'Getting Started Guide.'
Have a question? Contact our Customer Success Team using the in-app chat π¬