Available with the following plans:
Professional and Business
Customers on our Professional and Business plans can create an automation that sends a single email. Customers on our Business plan have the option to add steps to their automation to create a series of emails.
This article will give you an overview of the information you can find in the automations details panel, including:
Navigate to Settings > Email Automation, then click on an existing automation in the automations list as shown below.
Understanding the errors
If there is an issue that impacts the entire automation, such as the email template being deleted, you will see the automation name in red text and a red warning symbol (⚠️) in the column for Sent as shown below.
If there were issues sending the automated email to particular contacts, you will find that information in the details panel. From the list of automations, click on an automation to open the details panel as shown below.
Copper will display contacts in the Error panel if:
The User we are attempting to send from does not have a Google Account connected (or needs to reauthorize it)
The User we are attempting to send from has hit their Google daily send limit
The contact's email address has bounced
The contact does not have an email address
The contact no longer matches the criteria
An unknown error has occurred
Unsent automated emails will be retried the following day in accordance with the sending schedule. We will retry each contact up to 3 times. This gives you time to correct any issues you see in the Errors panel.
Email addresses that have hard bounced are not eligible for automatic retries. Only email addresses that have soft bounced will be retried. Learn more about hard vs. soft bounces on Wikipedia here.
Viewing the contacts in the Sent panel
In the details panel, you can view the contacts who were sent the automated email, including the date the email was sent and the email address from which it was sent.
You can also see any contacts with new inbound email or calendar activity since receiving an automated email – more on that in the Viewing the contacts in the Replied panel.
Customers on our Business plan can automate a series of emails, so this panel will also show which step was sent.
Viewing the contacts in the To Send panel
Contacts who match the criteria at that time will be displayed in the To Send panel. This includes contacts who:
Contacts who currently match the criteria
We check for contacts who match the criteria before sending automated emails. If there have been any changes to whether a contact matches the criteria, such as being removed from a list, those changes will not be reflected until the next criteria check.
Were not attempted due to the Copper daily send limit of 900 automated emails per company per day
Will be retried due to an error on the first attempt (these are the contacts listed in the Errors panel)
If the contact is being retried, you will see a specific icon and tooltip as shown below.
Viewing the contacts in the Replied panel
Copper considers an email automation to be "successful" if it leads to any new inbound email or calendar activity from the contact within the defined waiting period and automatically exits the contact from any automation series they are in. The new inbound activity is not required to be a reply to the automated email—any new inbound email activity from the contact will "exit successfully."
For example, let's say you have created a Rekindle automation that sends a series of two emails. You defined a waiting period of 7 days between steps 1 and 2. If a contact sends you an email after receiving step 1 and within the 7 days, that contact will appear in the Replied panel as shown below and will not receive step 2.
Out-of-office replies will not exit a contact from any email automations. Copper's Email Automation feature has specific logic that ignores auto-generated replies when considering whether to exit a contact successfully from an automation.
If a contact is in multiple email series, any new email or calendar activity from the contact will exit them successfully from all email series.
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