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Slack Integration

Slack Integration

Success at Copper avatar
Written by Success at Copper
Updated this week

If you and your team use Slack to communicate internally, you can receive important Copper notifications in the Slack channel of your choice.

Have other tools you want to integrate? Check out our integration marketplace to see hundreds of options!

Understand the Slack integration

Slack is an innovative team communication solution. At its core, Slack is an instant messaging app that provides company wide, and private channels, direct messaging and notifications.

Our native integration with Slack lets you post Copper notifications to the Slack channel of your choosing. This allows you to fit Copper in a place you know your team is checking all day, making it even easier to monitor what’s going within your pipeline.

Please note that anyone with access to the Slack channel you choose will be able to see the notifications, regardless of the Copper visibility permissions that may be in place. If you need to limit visibility of these notifications in Slack, make sure to set your Slack channel's permissions to private.

Note: if you would like to send notifications to a private channel, you will need to first add the Copper Slack app to that channel.

Below is a list of notifications you can send to Slack:

  • A lead is created or converted, or its status or ownership changes

  • An opportunity is won

  • An opportunity is lost

  • An opportunity is abandoned

  • An opportunity moves backwards through your pipeline stages

  • An opportunity close date is extended

  • An opportunity's value is decreased

  • An opportunity is created

  • An opportunity advances through your pipeline stages

  • An opportunity's close date is changed to a sooner date

  • An opportunity's value is increased

Define your workflow

In deciding whether you want to use this integration, your first question should be whether your company currently uses or has a need to use an internal messaging app like Slack. You can review the benefits of Slack on their website.

If you are using Slack, your next decision will be around what channels should receive which notifications. You've seen the list of possible notifications above. There are two considerations to make:

1. Each notification can only be sent to one channel, so write down the teams or people who need access to each notification.

2. If your existing channels aren't visible to all the right people at once who need to see the Copper notifications, you may want to rethink or expand your Slack channels workflow. Write down the channel structure that would connect the right people with the right notifications.

Enable the Slack integration

You must be both a Slack admin and a Copper admin to enable this integration. If that's you, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Sign into your Copper account, and click 'Settings' from the left-hand menu.

  2. Select 'Integrations' from the 'Customize Copper' section.

  3. Click the blue 'Connect' button in the 'Slack Channel Notifications' box.

    slack integration connect.png
  4. In the drop-down menu in the upper right of the next page, choose the Slack account you'd like to sync with Copper.

  5. Choose the channel you'd like to post these notifications to.

  6. Click the 'Authorize' button.

Adding the Slack Copper app to a private channel

If you would like to send your notifications to a private Slack channel, you will first need to add the Copper app to that private channel. To do this:

  1. Open up the private channel in Slack

  2. Go to the integration options for that channel

  3. Add Copper to that channel


Once you complete those steps, the private channel will become available in the next step where you adjust the settings for the integration.

Adjust the Slack integration settings

Once you’ve integrated Slack, you can select whether to receive notifications for Leads, Opportunities or both.

  1. Sign into your Copper account, and click 'Settings' from the left-hand menu.

  2. Click 'Integrations' from the 'Customize Copper' section.

  3. You'll see a 'Settings' link in the Slack listing after you've enabled the Slack integration.

  4. In the Slack integrations settings page, you can choose which Slack channel the following notifications appear in:

  • A lead is created or converted, or its status or ownership changes

  • An opportunity is won

  • An opportunity is lost

  • An opportunity is abandoned

  • An opportunity moves backwards through your pipeline stages

  • An opportunity close date is extended

  • An opportunity's value is decreased

  • An opportunity is created

  • An opportunity advances through your pipeline stages

  • An opportunity's close date is changed to a sooner date

  • An opportunity's value is increased

In the drop-down menu below each notification, you can choose the Slack channel the notification will appear in. At this time, each notification can only be set to one channel.

Still have questions?

If you would like to share any questions, comments, or feedback on this native integration, feel free to contact our support team using the in-app chat, via email at

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