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Chapter 4: Building and managing processes
Chapter 4: Building and managing processes

Getting started in Copper.

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Written by Marketing
Updated over 2 months ago

Chapter 4 focuses on building and managing effective processes within Copper. Learn how to segment your data using filters, efficiently update multiple records with bulk edit and email features, and maintain data accuracy by merging duplicates. Explore how to define your customer journey within Copper's framework, leveraging Pipelines to track sales, projects, and customer relationships. Discover how to effectively manage tasks, including creating task automations and customizing task views. Finally, learn how to customize your Pipelines with Board and List views, and utilize filters to gain valuable insights into your data.

Now that you have imported your data in Copper, the next step is to determine how you would like to segment and use your data. Majority of these features can be used in any list view record type - Leads, People, Companies, Pipelines and Tasks.

→ Filters

  • You can use filters to segment your data and search for specific records in Copper. Click "Filters" in the top right corner to access filtering options. Select fields, choose criteria (e.g., "equals," "contains"), and enter values. Save filters as "Public" to share with all users or "Private" for personal use.

  • To find existing filters, click the icon with a circle and an arrow (→) located on the left side of your screen to view your existing filters.

  • Click the "+" button within the same filter section to create new filters.

  • Pro Tip: It can be overwhelming seeing 2000 records when only 100 belong to you. To improve your workflow, create and save filters for "Owner is Me" for Leads, People, Companies, and Pipelines. Make these filters your default by clicking the three dots (…) next to the filter and selecting "Set as Default." This displays only your assigned records by default, but you can always remove the filter to view all records.

→ Bulk edit

If you need to make the same changes to several records (e.g., update the 'Contact Type' for 10 people), use Bulk Edit to save time and avoid manual updates.

  • To update multiple records with the same information, use the Bulk Edit feature.

  • Select the checkbox next to each record you want to update.

  • Click "Bulk Edit" in the top menu.

  • Update the desired fields in the right-side panel.

Bulk email

Need to send similar emails to multiple contacts but want to maintain a personalized touch? Use the 'Bulk Email' feature to send individual emails to your chosen recipients.

  • Filter or select the desired contacts.

  • Click "Bulk Email" to initiate the process.

  • Available for Leads, People, Companies (sends to primary contact), and Pipelines (send

Pro Tip: Pro tip - When sending a bulk email you can use email templates, merge fields etc to populate them. Also note, any email sent from Copper will come directly from your google email address, append your google signature and save in your google sent folder.

→ Merging records

From time to time there might be duplicate records in Copper. You can merge these fields together and it will blend the data or ask you to choose the correct details. Select which records you want to merge by checking the box on the left, select the 3 dots at the top and select merge (note: you cannot un-merge a field once it is merged).

Pro tip: Copper deduplicates "People" records based on Email Address and "Company" records based on Email Domain. To ensure accurate deduplication, add Email Addresses to all "People" records and ensure Email Domains are populated for all "Company" records.

→ Export data from Copper

Eventually, you may want to use your data on other platforms and will need to export this data from Copper. You can do this from any of the record types as well as from filtered lists.

  • As mentioned above, select the data you want and click Export - you will be prompted to decide wether you’d like to export ALL data or just the selected data. You will be sent the export via email when it is ready.

Delete records

Don’t need that record anymore? No problem. You can delete records individually by selecting it and clicking the three dots on the top and selecting delete record.

  • If you have a group of records to delete, select them via filters or clicking the boxes to the left and click the 3 dots and then select delete

Pro tip: Avoid deleting records unless absolutely necessary. Instead of deleting, update fields like "Contact Type," "Status," or "Stage" to retain record history. This is valuable for future opportunities, such as re-engaging with lost deals or revisiting past interactions.

Defining your customer journey in Copper

To effectively use Copper for your specific use case, it’s helpful to map out your customer journey within the framework of our 4 pillars: Connect > Win > Deliver > Grow.

First, identify the primary pillar you want to focus on improving within Copper right now (e.g., "Win" for improved deal closure, "Deliver" for better project management). Then, tailor your approach. If focusing on "Win," define your ideal deal closing process and the necessary steps to achieve it. If focusing on "Deliver," outline your project management process and how you will track Tasks and deliverables. With your customer journey process defined, you can effectively plan your Pipeline processes within Copper.

Pipeline management

Copper offers three Pipeline templates to guide, track and manage your processes:

  • Project management Pipeline: Represents the stages of your project lifecycle (e.g., Proposal, Kickoff, In Progress, Review, Completion).

  • Sales Pipeline: Represents the stages of your sales process (e.g., Discovery Call Booked, Demo, Negotiation, Contract Signed).

  • Customer management Pipeline: Represents the stages of your customer relationship (e.g., Onboarding, Active, Renewal, Churned).

→ Pipeline types: Opportunity vs. Project vs. Item

The true power of Pipelines is often overlooked beyond their traditional use in sales. In Copper, you can use Pipelines for many different reasons. Anytime you have a repeatable linear process, you can create a Pipeline to track that process.

→ Creating multiple Pipelines

Let’s get back to what your company’s day to day processes look like and what you are managing in Copper. For example, when you close a deal in your Sales Pipeline, what happens next is the first question you want to ask when defining Pipelines. So, how do we manage the next?

  • Using Pipeline templates

    • When selecting a new Pipeline (e.g., Sales, Onboarding, Production, Renewals), Copper presents a range of pre-built templates to help you get started. Feel free to explore these templates and customize them to perfectly align with your company's specific processes.

  • Duplicating a Pipeline: When creating multiple Pipelines, consider how you want to view the results. If you need to track deals for various products (or similar requirements) but want to analyze them together, create a single Pipeline with custom fields to filter by product. However, if different teams handle each product and require separate, simplified views, it's best to create multiple Pipelines, one for each product.

    • Create the first Pipeline, confirm the stages, add the fields and order. Once that is completed, go to the Pipeline and click the 3 dots at the top right and duplicate Pipeline.

→ Duplicating a Pipeline record

You can duplicate a Pipeline record at any time or when the status is changed to “Won”.

  • To efficiently track deals involving multiple products, you can duplicate existing Opportunities. This allows you to quickly create new deals with similar details, but for different products.

  • To duplicate an Opportunity, simply click on the Opportunity and then click the three dots in the top right corner. From the menu that appears, select "Duplicate".

    • Status = Won: When you change the status to “Won” on an Opportunity you will be given the option to duplicate this Opportunity into another Pipeline (or even the same Pipeline). Think, when a deal is done and you want to create the same details in the (for example), onboarding Pipeline, this will allow you to do so and carry existing data to the next step of your process.

Pipeline fields

To edit or add custom fields to your Pipeline, you can follow the same process described in Chapter 2 under "Customizations."

  1. Go to "Manage Fields" on the Record page.

  2. Select "Pipeline Records" from the available record types.

  3. Make sure you've selected the specific Pipeline you want to edit from the dropdown menu at the top of the page.

This will allow you to customize the fields associated with your chosen Pipeline.

  • Default fields: You cannot rename these default fields, but you can reorder them or deactivate some if not required. If there are fields you do not need but cannot deactivate, we recommend creating a section titled "Not in Use" and placing those fields within it, then moving this section to the bottom of the page.

  • Custom fields: You can create custom fields per Pipeline or have the same custom fields in multiple Pipelines.

  • Editable fields

    • Source: This will appear in the Customize section of Settings (this field appears on Leads and Pipeline Records)

    • Loss Reason - This appears under Pipelines in the settings

    • Win Percentage - This will appear in “Stages” in the Pipeline section of settings. You can set your Win Percentage per Pipeline and it will automatically update under the “Win Probability” field in your Pipelines (Note: you can always manually change it, but it is great to pre-set a starting point which will be great for forecasting in your Pipeline reports)

→ Task Management

  • Tasks are individual actions assigned to you or your teammates. You might use them to organize your day, to keep important things from slipping, or to bring deadlines to your team’s attention.

  • Tasks can assigned to Leads, People, Companies and Pipelines

  • You can create your Tasks in many different ways, through Task Automations or by manually creating them

    • To create Task Automations:

      • Navigate to the automation icon in the left-hand navigation menu.

      • Select "Task Automation."

The available triggers for creating a Task will vary depending on the record type you're working with. For example, in Pipeline records, you can automatically create a Task whenever a deal moves from one stage to another. Follow the on-screen steps to configure the Task automation.

Pro tip: You can create multiple Tasks within a single automation rule if they share the same trigger.

  • To manually create a Task:

    • Locate the desired client record (Contact, Company, or Opportunity).

    • In the "Related" section on the right side of the record, click "Add Task."

    • Fill in the necessary details for the task.

    • Save the task.

You can create tasks for yourself or assign them to other users within your organization.

  • How to view your Tasks: We often say, there is no way to hide from a Task in Copper. You view Tasks in many different ways:

    • On the actual record that it is related to, on the right hand side under ‘Tasks’

    • Under ‘Tasks’ in the main menu (Pro tip: To improve task management, customize your default view under "Tasks" in the main menu. Click the three dots next to "My Open Tasks" and select "Set as Default" to display only your open tasks.)

    • In your Feed - they will show in the top right corner

    • You will get an email notification on the day it is due

    • And last but not least, Tasks will also appear in your Google Calendar

→ Customizing your Pipelines

You have the flexibility to choose between two different view types within Pipelines to best suit your individual needs and daily workflow.

  • Board view: Board View offers a visual Kanban representation of your Pipeline. You can easily update the status of your records by dragging and dropping them horizontally across the board to move them between stages.

    • Within Pipelines are cards which represent individual projects or opportunities within that process

    • Each user can personalize their card views by selecting ‘Configure’’ at the top of their screen and select ‘Card fields’ you have the ability to select up to 4 fields to display in your view (note: the Name, Close date, Tasks and Owner are in the card by default allowing you to select 4 different fields to include. Vikki, our onboarding specialist suggests using ‘days in stage’ – which will let you know how long an opportunity has been in this stage).

  • List View: This view shows your Pipeline data in a simple table, just like the pages for Leads, People, and Companies. This is easy to understand and lets you quickly edit information right there in the table.

    • The list View allows you to customize which columns of data are displayed. Click "Configure" at the top of the screen, then select "Select Columns." After selecting your desired columns, you can easily reorder them by dragging and dropping, and adjust their width as needed.

  • Filters: As with Leads, People and Tasks, you can create filters in your Pipelines using the same processes as listed in previous chapters.

    • To create a filter: Click the filter button at the top of your screen or the + in the filtered list section

    • Saving a filter: When saving a filter, choose whether it should be 'Public' (visible to all users) or 'Private' (only visible to you). To avoid cluttering the system, we recommend limiting the number of public filters to those that are essential for the entire team.

    • Default filter: When creating filters, you can set any filter as your default view. We recommend setting your default view to display your Pipeline records for easier daily access.

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