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Mailchimp Integration

Mailchimp Integration

Chris Clark avatar
Written by Chris Clark
Updated this week

If you're using Mailchimp, you can integrate with Copper using our native integration! This integration has options for: automatic or manual sync, one-way or two-way sync, syncing custom and default fields, and automatically adding Mailchimp activities to Copper's activity feed.

ⓘ Need help setting up this integration? We can help - our team is available through the chat icon in the Copper web app.

Installing the Integration

Before installing, you will need:

  • Admin access to Mailchimp on any plan

  • Admin access to Copper on the Professional or Business plan

  • For any fields you would like to sync, make sure they exist in both Copper and Mailchimp. For dropdowns, make sure the options match up exactly, and that the first option in Mailchimp is a blank

Enable the integration

  1. Sign in to your Copper account and click Settings > Integrations > Integrations.

  2. Locate the box for Mailchimp and click "Connect." You will be redirected to the Settings page for the integration.

  3. In the Settings page, click the Connect button. Make sure you select the checkboxes under “Enable Mailchimp for records” and “Choose locations to show Mailchimp”. Be sure to select either People or Leads.

  4. Open any Person record and open the Related section, and navigate to "Mailchimp"

Authenticate Mailchimp

  1. Navigate to the "Audience" section, here you will be prompted to authenticate and connect Mailchimp with Copper.

2. Select "Authenticate", then confirm your Mailchimp credentials to log-in. After logging in, Authorize Copper CRM to complete the connection.

Authenticate Copper

  1. Navigate to the "Sync" section, here you will be prompted to authenticate and connect Copper to your Mailchimp.

2. Select "Authenticate", then confirm your Copper account. After logging in, Authorize Copper CRM to complete the connection.

Once the integration is installed, you'll see Audience information in the Related section of each Person (and Leads, if you have enabled it there).

Configuring the Mailchimp Sync

Once you have Authenticated both Mailchimp and Copper, refresh your webpage, now you are ready to configure the Mailchimp Sync

To configure the Mailchimp sync, open the Related section of a contact record. There, you will see a section for Mailchimp and a button for Sync. Note that only admins will be able to complete this step.

  1. Select your Audience Type:

    1. All Leads

      1. When a new Lead is added, or a change is made in Copper, automatically add/update the Lead to Mailchimp.

    2. Leads I Chose

      1. A checkbox will be added to your Leads "Sync to Mailchimp". Only Leads with the checkbox selected will be synced with Mailchimp.

    3. All People

      1. When a new Lead is added, or a change is made in Copper, automatically add/update the Lead to Mailchimp.

    4. People I Chose

      1. A checkbox will be added to your Leads "Sync to Mailchimp". Only Leads with the checkbox selected will be synced with Mailchimp.

  2. Select your Audience:

    1. Copper will sync to one audience in Mailchimp, select the audience you would like Copper to sync with.

  3. Select your Direction:
    Note: This only applies to field updates. With either option Contacts cannot be automatically created in Copper, contacts will only be automatically created in Mailchimp.

    1. One Way - Copper to Mailchimp only

      1. Contacts & Selected Fields in Copper sync to Mailchimp.

    2. Two Way

      1. Contacts in Copper sync to Mailchimp.

      2. Selected Fields sync between both Mailchimp and Copper.

  4. Click "Add Selection" and then "Start Sync" to complete the configuration.

Adding More Fields or Tags to the Sync

By default, the integration will only sync first name, last name, and work email for each contact. You can expand on this through the Field Mapping settings.

To add more fields or enable tag syncing to your Copper x Mailchimp Sync, navigate to a Contact -> Related -> Mailchimp -> Sync.

  1. Select the Rule you would like to update, you will adjust fields/tags that sync from Copper to and from Mailchimp seperately.

  2. Enable Tags, or Match the Fields in Copper and Mailchimp, you will need to use similar field types to sync data between Copper and Mailchimp

    Note: See our Mailchimp FAQs for field mapping and field syncing limitations.

  3. After matching the fields in both Copper and Mailchimp, select "Add Selection" to save the new sync settings.

Pausing and Resetting the Sync

If you need to pause or reset a sync rule, you can return to the Sync settings at any time.

  1. Pause Sync

    1. Pause sync will stop the sync between Copper and Mailchimp. Use this option if you would like to temporarily pause the sync.

  2. Reset Sync

    1. Reset sync will force you to reconfigure the sync between Copper and Mailchimp. Use this option if you would like to adjust the the audiences you are syncing in Copper or Mailchimp.

Viewing your connect Audience

You can view your connect Audience and Audience statistics in the Audience tab of the Mailchimp Integration.

Note: You can also manually add contacts to your Audience by selecting the Green Envelope.

Common Questions

Is there any additional cost for this integration?

Nope! This integration is included with all Professional and Business tier subscriptions.

Can any user access the setup on the integration?

The entire team can enjoy using the integration. However, the settings are restricted to admin users only, for security reasons.

What fields are included as part of the sync?

By default, the contact’s first name, last name, and work email address are synced. You can add more fields to the sync.

How does the two-way sync work?

If you have chosen to make your Copper People sync with a Mailchimp audience two ways, any new Copper people will automatically be available in Mailchimp. The same applies the other way, so if any new subscribers join the Mailchimp audience, a new Copper People record will be created.

Some of our Copper contacts have multiple email addresses (e.g. a work email and a personal email). Do they all get synced to Mailchimp?

The integration will only sync the Work Email from a Copper contact.

Does the two-way sync manage updates on records both ways?

Yes! Any new updates, whether from Copper or Mailchimp, will be automatically updated. The email address is used as the unique identifier. So, if the email address changes in Mailchimp, a new record will be created in Copper.

Does the sync work in real-time?

Yes, most of the time! However, when server traffic is operating at peak times, there may be some slight delay in changes being reflected.

Are existing contacts synced?

The sync is triggered when there is a change to the contact record. So if you need to sync existing contacts, we recommend making a bulk change to trigger the sync. For example, you could add a tag to everyone you want to push from Copper to Mailchimp. Then you can delete the tag afterward by going to Settings > Customize > Manage Tags.

How do I know which Mailchimp audiences and campaigns a lead or person has been added to?

You can see this in the Mailchimp section under the ‘Related’ tab in the person or lead record. The Audience tab shows high-level stats to provide an indication of campaign performance. If the contact is already added to the audience, you’ll see the ‘view activity’ button. If on the other hand, the contact is not in the Mailchimp audience, you’ll see the ‘add’ button.

Can I add a contact to multiple Mailchimp audiences?

Yes! Even though the sync only allows mapping Copper (leads or people) to one Mailchimp audience, you can easily add your contact to other Mailchimp audiences when you see the ‘add’ button in that audience.

How many Mailchimp audiences can I sync?

We strongly recommend you sync only one audience using this integration.

Can I see the contact’s Mailchimp stats?

Yes! Whilst on the Copper record, head over to the Related area and locate the Mailchimp integration. If your contact is already in Mailchimp, click on the ‘view activity’ button to access the stats.

Please note, if you’re just starting out with Mailchimp, it may take some time to accumulate campaign performance data, such as open and click-through rates to report back into Copper.

Do the stats include subscribed status and star rating?

Yes! In addition, you can see actual open and click-through rates for that contact.

Can I see the campaign engagement activity?

Yes! Below the stats box, the integration will list the last 50 activities performed by the contact. This includes, sends, opens, and clicks so you can be well informed of campaign engagement.

How do I disconnect the integration?

Before disconnecting the integration from the Settings > Integrations page, be sure to Reset the sync first. This will ensure any existing sync rules will be deregistered and won’t run in the background after disconnecting the integration.

What types of custom fields can I sync from Copper?

You can sync any type of custom field other than multi-select fields and connect fields.

Is two-way sync required to see the Mailchimp campaign status?

Yes, you will need to enable two-way sync so that the integration can pull this information.

What time are Mailchimp activities synced into the Copper activity feed?

6 am UTC time for Lead records and 8 am UTC time for People records

Does the sync apply to historical Mailchimp activities?

No; it will only sync activities from after you enabled the activity sync.

Do I need to create any custom activities types to enable to the activity sync?

No; the integration will create them for you automatically. If you happen to have existing custom activity types with the same name (e.g. "Click" or "Bounce', then it will use the existing activity type rather than creating a duplicate.

What happens to the activity sync if I pause the contact sync?

The activity sync will be paused as well. If you later resume the contact sync, the activity sync will also resume. In addition, it will attempt to sync activities from the point of pausing onward.

What information is included in synced activities?

Each entry includes a timestamp. For "Click" activities, it will include the URL that the contact clicked into. Where applicable, it will also display the Campaign Name, as long as you have named the campaign in Mailchimp.

What happens if contacts are archived in Mailchimp?

The integration will continue to sync those contacts. Keep in mind, archiving a contact moves them from the main audience list to the Archived section in Mailchimp. So while the integration will still sync them, you will need to go to your Archived list through the "Manage Contacts" menu in order to see them in Mailchimp.

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