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Customizing Project Task Boards

Customizing Project Task Boards

Success at Copper avatar
Written by Success at Copper
Updated over a week ago

Important: New customers as of February 2023 do not have access to this feature. Click here to learn about how to use Pipelines for Project Management.❗

In this article, we will cover:

Task Board Sections & Settings

To access your task board, click on the briefcase icon on the left hand navigation bar and click on the name of your project.

The task board divides a project’s tasks into sections. The default task board sections are “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done.” However, your team can add or edit sections to match a project’s workflow. For example, you may want to add a section to store tasks that are “On Hold.”


To add a new task board section, click the “+ Add Section” button on the right hand side of your task board and type the name of the new section. Your new section will appear right away.


To re-name a task board section, click on the three dots (…) on the upper right side of a section and select “Rename Section.”

To delete a task board section, click on the three dots (…) on the upper right side of a section and select “Enable Task Completion.” If this option is already

To automatically mark tasks as “Done” when they are added to a section, click on the three dots (…) on the upper right side of a section and select “Enable Task Completion.” To revert this setting, go to the same place and select “Disable Task Completion.”


Important: We will be removing the Projects feature in 2024. New customers as of February 2023 do not have access to this feature.❗

Designing Your Task Board Sections

The task board gives you flexibility to add, delete, and rename task sections. You may want to set up sections based on:

  1. Progress or stage. For example, “To Do,” “In Progress,” “On Hold,” and “Done.”

  2. Deadlines or phases. For example, if your team is planning an event, you can create task sections for “Before the Event”, “During the Event,” and “After the Event.”

  3. Departments or teams. For example, if you want to publish new content, you can create sections for “Content Creation Team,” “Graphic Design Team,” and “Social Media Team.”

You also have the option of automatically marking a task as complete when someone moves it to a certain section. This is helpful if you have a section only for complete tasks such as our default “Done” section.

Each project task board can be customized separately so you can manage different types of projects within Copper.

Important: We will be removing the Projects feature in 2024. New customers as of February 2023 do not have access to this feature.❗

Task Board Examples

To get you started, we’ve put together some example task boards. Take a look below to see how task boards can be customized differently for different project.

Example 1: Welcoming a New Client


In this example, our team is welcoming a new client. We’re using the default task board sections “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done” to get a clear view on the status of each task.

In the default setup, if someone moves a task to the “Done” section, it is automatically marked as complete - no extra clicks required.

Example 2: Attending a Trade Show or Event


In this example, our team is attending a trade show. We created sections for “Before Trade Show,” “During Trade Show,” and “After Trade Show” to get a clear view on when each task should occur.

Since there’s no section only for completed tasks, we won’t enable automatic task completion for any of these sections. Instead, when someone completes a task, they can open its details panel and click the “Mark Done” button.

Example 3: Publishing New Content


In this example, our team is publishing a new blog post. The tasks are sectioned by “Content Creation Team,” “Graphic Design Team,” and “Social Media Team” to get a clear view on who is responsible for what.

There’s no section specifically for completed tasks, so we didn’t enable automatic task completion for any sections. When someone completes a task, they can open its details panel and click the “Mark Done” button.

We’ve also opted not to enter priority levels for the tasks, which is why we don’t see the red, green, and yellow priority indicators on the task cards like in the previous examples.

Important: We will be removing the Projects feature in 2024. New customers as of February 2023 do not have access to this feature.❗

Ready to Customize Your Task Boards?

Get started by creating a project in Copper and opening its task board. Or, learn more about managing projects in Copper by clicking here.

Important: We will be removing the Projects feature in 2024. New customers as of February 2023 do not have access to this feature.❗

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