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Marketing Tools: Creating and Sending Sequences
Marketing Tools: Creating and Sending Sequences

Marketing Tools: Creating and Sending Sequences

Success at Copper avatar
Written by Success at Copper
Updated over a week ago

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Important: New customers as of August 2024 do not have access to this feature.❗

Sequences allow you to automatically send personalized emails to your Copper contacts based on certain criteria. It’s a powerful tool for nurturing relationships easily and efficiently - all within Copper.

Sequences are best for contacts that you’re actively engaged with, such as existing customers and engaged leads. This feature is designed for targeted and tailored communications, as opposed to mass-marketing communications.

This article will cover:

Note: our Marketing Tools feature actually contains five different functionalities: sequences, audience segments, web tracking, lead scoring and app connector. This article focuses specifically on how to set up a sequence. To read more on the other features, click the links above or visit the Related Features section of this article.

Key Features of Sequences

Email Sequences are a powerful way to connect with your Copper contacts. You can:

✔️ Automatically send based on lead status, contact type, tags, or segments

✔️ Automatically log sends, opens, and replies in your contact’s activity record

✔️ Set multiple emails in a campaign and send them out at custom intervals

✔️ Set sending schedule based on your timezone and business hours

✔️ Personalize emails using such as the recipient's name and other information

✔️ Track clicks, replies, bounces, and unsubscribes

✔️ Change the sender's email to match the owner of that contact

We’ll walk through how to customize each of these aspects in the next sections of this article.

Keep in mind that while email sequences are powerful, they are best used to engage with contacts with whom you have an existing relationship. They are not designed to be used for mass outreach of cold leads. Rather, use them to create touchpoints with contacts who are important for your core business. For example, they can be used to for:

  • Reaching out once opportunities reach a certain stage of a pipeline

  • Following up after deals are won (or lost)

  • Continuing the conversation after an event you attended together

The first step to using email sequences is connecting your company’s domain.

Connecting Your Domain


Before you can set up email sequences, you must connect your company domain to Copper.

To connect your domain:

  1. Click on the Marketing Tools icon on the left sidebar in the web app.

  2. Select which domain you’d like to connect with and click continue.

  3. Click to agree to the terms and conditions.

Note: your email domain options will populate based on the email addresses of your Copper users. At least one user needs to have an email associated with a business domain (e.g. as opposed to a Gmail domain (e.g.

Once your domain is connected, you can set up your first email sequence.

Creating an Email Sequence

First, open your Email Sequences list by clicking the Email Sequences icon in the purple sidebar. This is where you will see all your sequences.


Click the Create new sequence button on the right-hand side. This will open your sequence creator, which will guide you through the next steps.

1. Name your sequence and define the recipients.

Give your sequence a name and choose the recipients.


Choose the recipients based on one of these conditions:

  1. Contact tag (eg. WebinarAttendee, Open House, etc.)

  2. Opportunity tag (eg. Proposal Stage, Abandoned, etc.)

  3. Lead Status (eg. New, Unqualified, Qualified, etc.)

  4. Contact Type (eg. Potential Customer, Current Customer)

  5. Segments aka event-based segment - read more about them here.

Please note if a contact matches the relevant condition at first, but stops matching the condition before subsequent emails are sent, then they will be automatically unsubscribed from receiving that campaign.

Also note that choosing the Opportunity tag will send the email to the Primary Contact of that Opportunity.

2. Create Your Emails


Click the + Add an email button. Here you can define aspects of the email, including:

  1. From email: this is the email that displays as the email sender. This needs to match the domain you connected.

  2. From name: the name of the email sender.

  3. Subject line: we recommend keeping it short and sweet.

  4. Preheader: this bit of text appears next to or below the subject line.

  5. Email contents: what will you say to your audience?


You also have the option to format text, add images, embed links, and personalize your message using merge fields, which fill in information such as the recipient’s name. To use merge fields, click Personalize and to open the dropdown of merge fields options.

If you'd like to send emails with more elaborate designs, you can import a third-party email template into the visual editor using the Custom HTML option in the email editor. For example, you could design an email in Mailchimp and then export the HTML to use.

An unsubscribe link is automatically added to the footer of every email. This is a legal requirement in many parts of the world so you won’t be able to send a campaign without it. However, you can customize the wording and size or set up a new default footer.

To send yourself a preview email, click Send test email. This allows you to double-check your formatting and content before activating the campaign.

Once your email is finished, click Back to Sequence. Set the delay on your email (e.g. 0 days, 1 hour). You also have the option of creating additional emails for the sequence.


3. Configure the Sequence Settings

Once you’ve defined your audience and created the emails, click on the Settings button in the bottom right corner. You’ll see numerous sequence settings. We won’t dive into all of them, but here's a couple we recommend starting with:

  • Sending Schedule: you can define times when it’s ok for the system to send your emails. We recommend you set this to match your workdays and business hours. To set this, click on Edit Defaults and check the box for Use custom delivery window.

  • Dynamic sender: this option will change the sender’s email and name to match the owner of that contact.

4. Activate Sequence and See Results


Finally, click Activate sequence. This will bring you back to your sequence list, where you can check the sequence’s performance metrics, and edit, pause, duplicate, or delete it.


Remember, when new contacts start matching the selected segment, they will be added to the sequence automatically. Once they stop matching the sequence criteria, they will be removed from the sequence. Once a contact has been removed, they cannot be added back to the same sequence, even if they start matching the criteria again.

Tracking Email Engagement

Data on email opens, clicks, and replies are available in two places:

  1. in the report for your sequence,

  2. as activities on each contact’s record, and

  3. Person fields (for email sends only)

This allows you to get both a high-level view of how your sequence is performing and a history of how a specific contact has interacted with your email sequences.

The sending date and the name of the last campaign is also available under the person view under the below fields that update as soon as a new email has been sent:

  • OF: Last email sent - Format - Campaign Name: Email Subject - Example Open house followup: Is there anything we can help you with?

  • OF: Last email sent date


A few things to note:

  • Email engagement settings can be edited under Email sequences > Account > Email engagement

  • Activities and fields are created after the first engagement is recorded

To access the report for a sequence, open your sequence list and select Report.


To view the engagement for a specific contact, open their contact record. Each interaction with an email sequence is recorded as an activity. This way, you can see the full history of their engagement with your email sequences, in addition to normal emails and meetings that are logged in Copper.


Email Limits

You’ll receive 1000 emails towards your email limit per Copper user. So if you have 12 users in your Copper system, your organization can send up to 12,000 emails per month through email sequences. This limit applies only to emails sent through a sequence; other emails sent through Copper, such as bulk emails, do not count towards this limit.

Email sequences are meant to be used with engaged customers - think hot leads and current customers. It is not meant to be used for mass outreach with cold leads, but rather for relationships with high potential for engagement.


In some cases, the emails may get blocked by a spam filter. There are thousands of factors that determine whether this happens, but in general, we recommend the following to reduce the chance that it happens:

  • Authenticate your domain. This gives the system permission to send emails on behalf of your domain, making them less likely to get flagged. To verify your domain, go to Email Sequences > Account > Verified domains.

  • Don’t send spam. Email sequences are intended for use with a high curated list of contacts, as opposed to mass email marketing. Sending useful emails that are more likely to be opened will in turn increase your email deliverability.

  • Make sure you have the correct emails. The more undeliverable emails you send, the lower your sender score.

  • Personalize emails. Emails with personalized content are less likely to get flagged as spam. Additionally, they are more likely to be opened by your recipients.

As a general note, our email service provider actually provides a higher deliverability rate than industry average. To protect our overall deliverability, the system analyses the first 250 emails that are sent and categorizes the sender performance as follows:

Good senders: Campaign bounce rate is below 10%, unsubscribe rate below 2%, spam rate below 0.1%. Usually, the campaign delivers as expected but in some instances, a manual review might be required by a member of our team.

Poor senders: Campaign bounce rate is 10%-20%, unsubscribe rate 2-3% or spam rate 0.1%-0.2% The campaign is flagged for manual review but will be resumed. A bounce warning message is sent to the admin email associated with the Copper account that includes educational information on how to improve the email performance. If the rates remain above the allowed threshold after 3 warnings, email sequencing is suspended.

Spammers: Campaign bounce is rate is 20%+, unsubscribe rate 3%+, spam rate 0.2%+. The campaign is flagged for manual review and delivery will be cancelled. Email sequencing is temporarily suspended and new emails cannot be sent out. The sender is notified via email with action steps they can take to reactivate it.

Related Features

Email sequences are part of an entire suite of relationship-building tools in the Copper system. To dive deeper into those tools, please visit our other articles:

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