Available with the following plans:
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Please import Leads and Companies first, followed by People, and then Opportunities.
We only support importing with an Excel or CSV file. We do not support special characters.
If you have team and visibility permissions on, please only have administrators import files. Non admins should not import records as they can create duplicates.
ProTip: Do a test import with 5 records first
If you are exporting from another service, please follow these steps instead: click here
Step by step instructions:
1 - Click on the Menu icon located at the top left corner.
2 - Select System Settings
3 - Navigate to Import Data under Data Management.
4 - Select the data type you want to import. If you are importing from another CRM, please follow the instructions here. Otherwise, continue.
Leads: a lead is a person you have not qualified (ex: contacts through a raffle). Once you have imported your leads, you can click to convert them to a contact and/or an opportunity in our system. After they are clicked to be converted, the company of the lead will show in your companies section, and the person will appear in the people section. Even if you do not create a company for a lead, we automatically create a company when you convert the lead to a person. Delete the company that is created if you do not want to keep it. Click on the image to expand.
Our native/hardcoded fields for Leads:
First name, middle name, last name, prefix, suffix, company, owner, title, work email, personal email, other email, value, source, status, street, city, state, postal code, country, description, work website, personal website, other website, work phone, mobile phone, home phone, other phone, tag, linkedin, twitter, google+, facebook, youtube, quora, foursquare, gravity, other
Companies: the key is email domain. Companies are the top level category. In blue are the hardcoded dropdown options you can add to your sheet before you import.
Our native/hardcoded fields for Companies:
Name, owner, email domain, street, city, state, postal code, country, description, contact type, work website, personal website, other website, work phone, mobile phone, home phone, other phone, tag, linkedin, twitter, google+, facebook, youtube, quora, foursquare, gravity, other
People: People are contacts you would like to do business with, not users in your company account. For People files, the key is email address. Check for duplicate email addresses before importing. In this file, create a column called Company. That is how you will assign companies to people (just make sure they are spelled the same). Click on the image to see more available fields.
Our native/hardcoded fields for People:
First name, middle name, last name, prefix, suffix, company, owner, title, work email, personal email, other email, contact type, street, city, state, postal code, country, description, work website, personal website, other website, work phone, mobile phone, home phone, other phone, tag, linkedin, twitter, google+, facebook, youtube, quora, foursquare, gravity, other
Opportunities: an opportunity is something you want to track through a Pipeline (a step-by-step process you want it to go through). You can add people and companies to opportunities. Areas in purple need to be filled out in order to show in reports.
Our native/hardcoded fields for Opportunities:
Name, pipeline, company, close date, status, primary contact, owner, stage, source, value, priority, win percentage, description, tag
Do you have columns that do not match these names? You can create a custom field before or during import. It you want to add data in bulk, we recommend creating your custom fields before importing. To create a custom field before importing, follow these instructions. Otherwise, continue to step 5.
Important note: Text fields can not be longer than 255 characters. If you import data that is more than 255 characters into a text fields then the record will not be imported.
Not sure what the character limits are for each field in the spreadsheet above? Here are the character limits for our hardcoded fields:
Field | Type | Filterable? | Character limit | Searchable? | Notes |
Name | Text Field/String | No | 255 | Yes |
First Name | Text Field/String | No | 250 | Yes |
Middle Name | Text Field/String | No | 250 | Yes |
Last Name | Text Field/String | No | 250 | Yes |
All address fields | Text Field/String | Yes | 255 | Yes |
Company name | Text Field/String | Yes | 255 | Yes |
Details/description | Text Field/String | Yes | 1,000 | Yes |
Email addresses | Text Field/String | No | 255 | Yes |
Phone numbers | Text Field/String | No | 30 | Yes | You can import in a comma |
Social urls | Text Field/String | No | 255 | No |
Tags | Text Field/String | Yes | 50 | Yes | Do not import these characters: / and % |
Title | Text Field/String | No | 255 | Yes |
Website url | Text Field/String | No | 255 | No |
Email domain | Text Field/String | No | 255 | Yes |
Status | Text Field/String | Yes | 255 | No |
Source | Text Field/String | Yes | 255 | No |
Task name | Text Field/String | Yes | 255 | Yes |
Do you have custom fields?
Below are our limits for custom fields. Our biggest problem is when people create custom fields for the ones we already have above. Please do not create any fields that are above.
More details here on how to use custom fields.
Type | Filterable? | Character limit | Searchable? | How to identify in spreadsheet during import of data |
Text Field | No | 250 | Yes |
Text Area | No | 10,000 | Yes |
Dropdown * | Yes | 255 for each field | Yes |
Date | Yes |
| No | Must be entered during import as MM/DD/YYYY. Do not use this for birthdate fields. Use number or text field instead. This field changes per timezone. |
Checkbox | Yes |
| No | This is a boolean value. Put in one column and select true or false, OR you can put 1 for true, or 0 for false |
Number Field | Yes | 20 | No |
URL | No | 255 | No |
Percentage | Yes | 10 | No |
Currency | Yes | 20 | No |
Multi-Select Dropdown * | Yes |
| No | Put in one column and separate with semicolons |
Tags | Yes |
| Yes | Put tags individually in separate columns that are all titled "Tag" and they will be created on import |
Description | No | 1,000 | Yes |
How to format a multi select dropdown in a spreadsheet for import:
How to format multiple tags in a spreadsheet:
Want to distinguish between types of emails? You can only do this for People imports. Leads will only take one email address. Put your extra lead emails in custom fields, or the details section and make sure to put them in the hardcoded email areas once you convert them to a person.
Need a list of what countries we import?
Please check this guide here
5 - Start with Companies. Choose where you are importing the data from and select either CSV or Excel.
6 - If you do not have a file to import, or prefer to copy/paste data into our templates, click on the pre-formatted CSV/Excel template to download our data import template. Otherwise, skip to step 9.
7 - Open the template you just downloaded, copy and paste your data into the file and save.
8 - Go back to the Import page.
9 - Drag-and-drop your file or click ‘Choose File’ to upload your data.
10 - You will then be given the option to match your data with the Copper hard-coded fields or your custom fields, if you have already made them. For basic things, like name, address, etc. scroll down through the options to see if it exists before creating a custom field.
11 - Copper will let you know of any Fields that are not matched correctly with Copper fields and any errors you might have in your data.
12 - Copper will let you know of any errors so you can fix them on-the-fly by clicking Fix
13 - Fix any errors by clicking on the -> arrow in the middle to edit and select Save
14 - Select Continue Import.
15 - Under the import summary, you can rename the import. Click Submit Import to start the import.
16 - You will be taken back to the Import data page where you can see the status of your import (ie. you will see the label “initializing” and once the import starts a progress bar.) When your import is complete you will have the option to see the Summary of the records created.
17. Made a mistake? Go back to System Settings --> Import Data and click Revert Import, which will delete the import records from Copper. Wait up to 10 minutes before re-importing data.
Other Things to Note:
If you have Team Permissions set, they can affect how duplicates are handled. If the user who is importing is part of a team who's permissions limit their access to some data in the system, then the import may create duplicates because records not visible to that user will not be searched when looking for duplicates. As a best practice, these imports should be performed by a user who has unlimited access to the data in the system.
Text fields can not be longer than 255 characters. If you import data that is more than 255 characters into a text fields then the record will not be imported
For further help or comments, head over to our Community Section!