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Importing Tags onto Existing Records
Importing Tags onto Existing Records

Importing Tags onto Existing Records

Success at Copper avatar
Written by Success at Copper
Updated over a year ago

This article discusses how to import tags. For more general information on importing data into Copper, click here.

In the Copper importing tool, you can either append (i.e. add) the new tags to the old ones, or you can overwrite all the previous tags with the new ones.

For example, let's say we have a contact that already has a tag called "Trade show 2021" -

  • If we append the tag "Trade show 2022," that contact would then have two tags: "Trade show 2021" and "Trade show 2022"

  • If we overwrite the existing tag with "Trade show 2022," that contact would have only the new tag "Trade show 2022"

How to Append Tags

1. Prepare your data


Before we can import tags, we have to make sure the import sheet is formatted correctly and contains the information needed to identify a matching record in Copper. Please follow these guidelines when preparing your import sheet:

  • Make sure you have one tag per column. If you need to import multiple tags on a single record, use multiple columns.

  • For People or Leads, include Email or Copper ID in your import sheet.

  • For Companies, include Email Domain or Copper ID in your import sheet.

  • For Opportunities, include the Name or Copper ID in your import sheet.


In the above example, we're appending tags onto existing People in Copper. The Email column in our spreadsheet will allow the system to identify which People in Copper we want to add the tags to. If we were adding tags to Companies, we would use Email Domain as the identifying column instead.

Your import sheet can contain any additional data you need to update on your records. For example, you can append tags and update phone numbers in the same import.

2. Import your data


Once your spreadsheet is ready, open up the importing tool in Copper (Settings > Manage Your Data > Import Data). Indicate which record type you are working with. Then upload your file.

You will see a screen with an "Append tags" checkbox. Make sure it's checked!


Then make sure each column is mapped to the correct field in Copper. For example, you'll want to make sure that any column containing tags is labeled "Tag."


Next, select "Manage matching records"


You'll see two more choices pop up.

  • How do you want to handle matched records? - this option is relevant if you are importing additional information alongside your tags. If you are importing only tags, choose either option. If you are importing additional information (e.g. new phone numbers), choose:

    • Skip - if you want the data on those records to remain the same

    • Overwrite - if you want the data in your import sheet to replace the existing data on the matching record

  • Identify matching records by - this is where you tell the system how it should identify existing records.

    • For People or Leads, select Email or Copper ID, depending on what's in your import sheet

    • For Companies, select Email Domain or Copper ID, depending on what's in your import sheet

    • For Opportunities, select Name or Copper ID, depending on what's in your import sheet

Afterwards, you should see a Continue Import button - click it to submit your import. From there, the system will start processing it for you.

How to Overwrite Tags

Let's say you would like to completely replace all the existing tags on your records with new ones. To do this, follow all the steps above but with these minor changes to the import settings:

  • The "Append tags" checkbox - make sure it is unchecked.

  • How do you want to handle matched records? - make sure to select Overwrite.

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