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Creating a Contact capture form

Capture information from website visitors to create People in Copper

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Written by Product at Copper
Updated over a week ago
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The Copper website form is a widget that overlays your company's website and allows you to capture visitors' information so you can nurture those new relationships in Copper.

This article walks you through creating a form that will create People in Copper. If your company is using Leads, you can create a form that will create Leads in Copper.

Sample website with Copper widget

This article will walk you through creating a Contact capture form, including:

When you access the forms builder for the first time, you will see some information about the feature, as well as a primary action to Create Form.

First time user experience creating a form

Once you've selected Create Form, you will be taken to our forms builder.

Form builder

Styling the form

The form comes pre-configured, but you can make several customizations to the Header, Fields, and Button. As you make your changes on the left, you will see them reflected in the Preview panel on the right.

Styling the form

  1. Change the Header Text to a welcoming message

  2. Choose from a selection of Google Fonts for the Header, Fields, and Button:

    1. Inter

    2. Merriweather

    3. Montserrat

    4. Open Sans

    5. Oswald

    6. Roboto

    7. Slabo

  3. Set the text colors for the Header, Fields, and Button to align with your brand standards

    1. You can use the eyedropper tool shown below to match your website directly. Simply open your website in another browser window side-by-side with Copper. Then, select the eyedropper tool and click on the website element that you would like to match.

      Color picker hex values
    2. By clicking the arrows on the color picker shown below, you can switch to HEX mode and paste your HEX value in.

      Color picker eyedropper
  4. Change the Button text

  5. Set the Button Background Color to align with your brand standards using the same color picker shown above

At this time, the "Powered by Copper" line cannot be removed

Styling the widget

The widget also comes pre-configured, but you can make several customizations to the Button and Button Placement. As you make your changes on the left, you will see them reflected in the Preview panel on the right.

Styling the widget
  1. Change the Button Text to a message of your choosing

  2. Choose from the same selection of Google Fonts for your Button

  3. Set the Button Text Color and Button Background Color to align with your brand standards using the same color picker shown above

  4. Change the Button Placement with the area of your website you would like to anchor the widget to

    Button placement for the widget

The widget will overlay your website – this means it will not push other elements on your website around.

πŸ’‘ Tip

Based on your website's design and layout, select a placement where you believe visitors are most likely to notice it and where it will not overlap any important elements like Calls-to-Action or menu items.

Selecting response settings

If your company is not using Leads, form responses will create People records in Copper and Activities for those People.

Form response settings

Contact Creation

Contact Type will default to Potential Customer, but you can select any Contact Type.

If you delete the Contact Type you've set here, any future new Contacts created from form responses will be created with Type = Uncategorized

Assign an Owner

You can also assign an Owner for new contacts created from form submissions. Based on the user's notification preferences, they will receive notifications for these form submissions.

Adding the form to your website

When you click Publish in the form builder, you will see the step to Add to Website.

Add to website code snippet

Click the Copy button and paste the snippet in your website's <head> tag. You only need to do this once. Any subsequent changes you publish to your form will reflect on your website.

πŸ’‘ Tip

For Squarespace or WordPress sites, check out our step-by-step installation guide.

Working with the responses in Copper

Copper keeps you informed with real-time updates when a form is submitted. There are several ways that form responses appear in Copper, including:

  • Creating People

  • Creating Activities

  • Notifying Owners and Followers

  • Populating Lists (saved filters)

Creating People in Copper

In Copper, People are uniquely identified by their email address. If someone fills out the form on your website and provides an email address that is not an exact match to the work email of an existing Person, Copper will create a new Person record and log an activity for that Person.

If someone fills out the form on your website and provides an email address that is an exact match to the work email of an existing Person in Copper, a duplicate Person record will not be created. Instead, Copper:

  • WILL create an activity record and associate it with the existing Person

  • WILL NOT change the Contact Type of an existing Person

    • For example, if you select "Potential Customers", and a form is submitted by an existing Person with the Type "Current Customers", Copper will not update the existing Person's Type to "Potential Customers".

  • WILL NOT change the Owner of an existing Person

  • WILL NOT change the Name of an existing Person

    • For example, if you receive a form submission from "Maggie Cameron" and the email address entered on the form is an exact match to an existing Person, "Margaret Cameron", Copper will not update the Person's first name to "Maggie." You will be able to see the form as it was submitted in the activity, at which point you and your team can decide if you would like to update "Margaret" to "Maggie".

Activity creation

As part of this feature, we have released a new Activity Type called Form. Form responses will create activities with this new Type. A form response also:

  • Increases the # of Interactions by 1

  • Sets the Last Contacted date to the date the form submission was received

Form activities display:

  • On the Person's Profile and can be filtered on

  • On the Feed in the Forms filter

You can also filter People by this new activity type to create Lists.

Create a List (saved filter) of form responses

To see all form responses, you can create a List (saved filter) based on the new Activity Type.

You can further refine your List by filtering on Contact Type as well. For example, if you have chosen to have form submissions from new persons created as "Potential Customers" in Copper, then a List that is filtered by Contact Type = Potential Customers and Activity Type = Forms would give you a List of all form submissions from new persons.

Filter People to show form submissions only

For more information on filtering, check out our article on filtering records.

πŸ’‘ Tip

Professional and Business customers can automatically respond to these new inquiries with an email automation based on a List (saved filter) of form responses.

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