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Overview: Contact Form Widget
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Written by Product at Copper
Updated over a week ago
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The Copper website contact form is a widget that overlays your company's website and allows you to capture visitors' information so you can nurture those new relationships in Copper.

Copper website form widget on a website

This article contains general information about the widget and how form responses are captured in Copper.

You can also check out our more detailed articles:

The form and form fields

Copper's contact form is pre-configured with the fields you need to start collecting information from website visitors. You are able to make styling changes to the form.

Default form and stying
  • The Name field will populate the First Name and Last Name fields on the record

  • The Email field will populate the Work Email field on the record

  • The Message field will be displayed in the activity

    • This field is optional; your visitors do not have to enter a message to submit the form

At this time, you cannot remove these fields, change their labels, or add additional fields.

The widget

Copper's form is delivered via a widget that overlays your website content – this means it will not push other elements on your website around. The widget is also pre-configured for ease of adoption, but you are able to make styling changes.

Sample website with Copper widget

Many form solutions provide a large snippet of code that must be placed in a precise location on a single page of your website. This method of embedding can be cumbersome to install and can lead to unexpected styling issues with either the form or your website.

Copper chose to instead deliver the form via a "chat-style" widget that overlays your website to ensure:

  • The form is easy for your visitors to discover and access

  • The code snippet is easy to place on your website

  • The form does not overtake any stylings or shift any elements around on your website

The responses

Form responses are automatically integrated with Copper to create contacts and activities.

You can also assign an owner for new contacts created from form submissions.

Form response settings

Contact creation

If your company is not using Leads, form responses will create People records in Copper. The default Contact Type is Potential Customers, but you can change this when creating your form.

Activity creation

As part of this feature, we have released a new Activity Type called Form. Form responses will create activities with this new Type. A form response also:

  • Increases the # of Interactions by 1

  • Sets the Last Contacted date to the date the form submission was received

Form activities display:

  • On the Contact's Profile and can be filtered on

  • On the Feed in the Forms filter

You can also filter People by this new activity type to create Lists.

πŸ’‘ Tip

Professional and Business customers can automatically respond to these new inquiries with an email automation based on a List (saved filter) of form responses.

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